Monday, October 31, 2011

Comment about my novels from a reader.

I just finished Coldiron-Thunder of Cannons and enjoyed it immensely.  I like the way you crank in a bit of geologic history an the beginning of each book, it might encourage readers to do a little research themselves and become better educated.  I am impressed with the research you have had to do in order to make the tales more alive and representative of the times.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I have today published my 15th novel. Another 7 to go. Number 15 is titled PREDATORS AND PREY. This has been previously published in print. It tells the story of the Mormon migration by handcarts, wherein young women in England were converted to the Mormon religion by missionaries and brought to America. The railroad at that time, 1859, ended at St. Joseph Missouri. The women hooked themselves to two wheeled handcarts and dragged them carrying their scant belongings 1000 miles across the dangerous great plains and into the Rocky Mountains to Salt Lake City, the Mormon Zion. The women were preyed upon by Indians, murderous Mormon hating white men, and five Texans wanting wives. I hope you like the telling of this history of the struggle of these young women.

Talk with you later. F. M. Parker

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Harvester

I have just completed a new novel titled The Harvester. What does a very old woman do if she finds an herb that reverses her age? The story is about 84 year old Marie, a herbal doctor, who finds a new specie of plant on a high, isolated rock ledge deep in the forest. As she tests the herb, she becomes younger and younger. Her restored beauty brings great danger. That danger is magnified when Marie's lover is murdered and she sets out to find the killers and make them pay the ultimate price.

Talk with you later. F. M. Parker 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Received A Great Testimonial

I have just finished the 4th or 5th e-book rendition of your novels and thoroughly enjoyed them all.  You really developed into an outstanding writer as you blew through your writing career.  Great job and you deserve much more acclaim than I am aware you have received.  Your books are page turners, fun, have a humorous edge, historically acceptable (you have to have a little literary license), are multi-faceted.  Great job!  I am working your books in with the complete works of Charles Dickens, some 51 volumes.  Yours are much more interesting and fun to read.  Dickens is great in literary terms but his stories are a bit benign for the most part.  How does it feel to be compared to a great?  By the way I am serious.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

14th novel published

I have now published my 14th novel, THE SLAVERS. This takes more effort than might be expected. I don't have the original manuscript and so must scan the printed version , each page separately, and then proof read for errors. Scanning is not perfect and the machine sometimes misinterprets. Then an image for the cover must be prepared. and lastly, all is formatted and uploaded to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple, and publishers in England. Any body considering publishing a story, novella, or full book as an ebook, contact me and I will show you how to reduce cost.

Talk with you later.    F.M. Parker