Tuesday, May 22, 2012

F.M. Parker: New "DREAM HITCHER, is completed.

F.M. Parker: New "DREAM HITCHER, is completed.: My new novel Dream Hitcher has just now been completed at near midnight Tuesday. It is about the t housands of warriors that have returned ...

New "DREAM HITCHER, is completed.

My new novel Dream Hitcher has just now been completed at near midnight Tuesday.
It is about the thousands of warriors that have returned from the Afghanistan and Iraq War. Many veterans show horrible wounds, missing arms and legs, disfigured faces. Not visible are the brains damaged by roadside bombs, or warped by the constant fear of being blown all to hell by a bomb, or killed by a sniper’s bullet. This trauma causes terrifying nightmares, and flashbacks.The main character of the story is one of those warriors, Dan Gallatin, who has become a violent, bare knuckle fighter in the cages on the Chicago waterfront.  
I should have the story published on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple, and the publishers in England. in three or four days. FearlParker.com

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I have received a welcome review of Wife Stealer - see below.

Max Inman reviewed WIFE STEALER
May 6, 2012
Mr. parker does a fantastic job bringing all of the characters together through a maze of webs,which keeps your mind realing with imagination and excitement. the story itself is fantastic and i rate it as one of the best books i've ever read, and i have read over a thousand. certainly hope he has more.